This website looks better on desktop for now! ( ˶•ᴖ•) !! Please be patient as I release a mobile version (˶◜ᵕ◝˶)

## About me ##

I am a third-year Computer Science student, mainly focused on game development and front-end.

I enjoy the entire process behind software development as an avid unit tester and diving deeply into documentation (surprisingly one of my favorite parts!). My background as an artist has greatly helped me in development, allowing me to make decisions that benefit the visual and logic aspect of a project.

I'm constantly looking to expand my skills, as a firm believer that it will help me understand the full picture and come up with better solutions. My goal for the future is to eventually become a game designer, combining my coding skills with my creative vision as an artist.

When I'm not in front of a laptop, I'm reading manga, listening to music or raising Tamagotchis.

## What am I working on right now? ##
Deep diving into OOP

Sunday, December 8th, 2024

Finally joined a Game Jam! I'll be participating in this year's Winter Farm Jam. I've worked on Game Jams before, but this is the first time I'm completely in charge of the system design and programming.

Naturally, I'm a little nervous about it, since I have full responsibility on the game working and showing off all of my teammates' talents.

So far, I've been studying as much as I can on OOP. Doing a deep dive on Unity's recommended Game programming patterns which have been helpful so far! I think this is a great experience to grow even more as a programmer, and apply concepts learned at school/on my own on something I care about, outside school.

Will definately add this to my portfolio once it's done!

## Projects ##
I will keep updating this part constantly...
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